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Newsletter 8    (17 June 2010)

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Newsletter 6    (20 May 2010)

Newsletter 5     (13 May 2010)

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Showing Tag: "agm" (Show all posts)

Committee 2011

Posted by Woodbridge Soccer on Saturday, September 11, 2010, In : announcements 
Woodbridge Soccer Club's Annual General Meeting was held today at Woodbridge Oval for the purpose of wrapping up the season's administrative details and electing a new committee to steer the club through the 2011 season.

So first off, a BIG  thank you to the outgoing committee, who have worked hard all year to facilitate soccer in the Channel region, and a big welcome to the incoming committee. There is a promising mix of parents of junior and youth players plus a healthy smattering of senio...

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WSC AGM - One mum's opinion:

Posted by Woodbridge Soccer on Tuesday, September 7, 2010, In : general 

to coin a phrase: "Come Play"

As Woodbridge Soccer Club turns 10 years old in 2011, I can look back and see that one or more of my own children have been playing for the club since it’s inception as Woodbridge Whalers SC, way back in 2001. Once upon a time, as a parent of junior players, I was hesitant to help; not because I am inherently lazy (although there is that :)), but because I didn’t know what was involved – didn’t think I had the necessary skills and I didn’t really know enou...

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