Woodbridge SC News


Newsletter 14    (31 July 2010)

Newsletter 13    (22 July 2010)

Newsletter 12    (15 July 2010)

Newsletter 11    (8 July 2010)

Newsletter 10    (1 July 2010)

Newsletter 9    (24 June 2010)

Newsletter 8    (17 June 2010)

Newsletter 7    (27 May 2010)

Newsletter 6    (20 May 2010)

Newsletter 5     (13 May 2010)

Newsletter 4     (5 May 2010)

Newsletter 3     (29 April 2010)

Newsletter 2   (22 April 2010)

Newsletter 1    (1 April 2010)


News Items

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Showing Tag: "registration" (Show all posts)

2011 season dates

Posted by Woodbridge Soccer on Wednesday, December 8, 2010, In : announcements 

Junior games start on Saturday 9 April 2011.

Youth competition kicks off on Saturday 2 April 2011.

This means that the 2011 player registration day will take place sometime in mid February to ensure that teams are nominated prior to the early March registration deadline.  WSC will be aiming to field junior teams for 5 – 11 year olds and youth teams for 12 – 18 year olds. 

senior Summer Cup runs from 19 February to 12 March 2011.

Senior season proper starts on 19 March 2011


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Trophy Day

Posted by Woodbridge Soccer on Saturday, August 28, 2010, In : announcements 
Trophy Day is to be held on Saturday 11th September at the Woodbridge Oval, proceedings will commence at 11am.  There will be a barbeque and the canteen will be open, however could all families please bring a plate to share of either salad or nibblies.  We will finish the day and the season with usual Mini World Cup games.

Registration Fees:

For your child to be eligible to receive a trophy they must have paid their registration fees in full.  Similarly, for your child to be eligible to play so...
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