Player code of conduct

*Excerpt from Central Region Junior Soccer Association Policy Document 2008

Conduct at Training

  1. Come prepared for training with all required equipment, including shin guards.
  2. Listen and pay attention to coaches at all times during training.
  3. No misbehaviour including -      
    • swearing
    • fighting
    • being cheeky
    • back-chatting coach 
  4. No interfering with training exercises such as -
    • kicking away another player’s ball 
    • pushing other players when in line 
  5. Respect other players who come to training willing & wishing to learn soccer skills.
Conduct at Matches
  1. Come prepared for matches with all required equipment including shin guards.
  2. Play fairly according to the rules of soccer, respecting other players.
  3. Listen to coaches at all times during and before the game.
  4. Participate as a team player, not as an individual. Soccer is a team game.
  5. Respect the referee’s decisions at all times.
  6. After completion of the game, show sportsmanship by cheering opposing players and shaking their hands.


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